Job Training and Placement Services

Internship Programs


The Countywide Youth Bridges Program (CYBP)

The Countywide Youth Bridges Program (CYBP) provides at-risk and disconnected youth with career exposure opportunities within the County of Los Angeles which is a path to a full-time employment as a LA County employee. The program provides youth with resources such as supportive services and personal enrichment training that will help prepare them for future success. More importantly, the CYBP will ultimately introduce youth to various career pathways within the public sector. CYBP provides meaningful career exposure within the County by offering a three-step program. The first step is Youth@Work Paid Internship, followed by a year Youth Worker Training Program in a County Job which finally leads to a full time job with the County

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Program provides local residents access to enroll in a comprehensive, construction apprenticeship preparation program offered by select public agencies or community partners. The pre-apprenticeship MC3 certification training includes soft skill development, work readiness mentoring and participant assistance. HIRE:LAX provides participants with an opportunity to meet and interview with construction unions and select a specialization throughout the training course to ensure that that they will successful establish a career in the construction trades Upon completion, program graduates are competitively positioned for placement consideration on a Los Angeles World Airports (LAWA) construction project through its contractors and local craft unions. Veterans and women are strongly encouraged to participate in the program. This is a program by WDACS in partnership with Los Angeles World Airports, Parsons, Flintridge and construction labor unions to provide a construction industry-based cohort program.

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Workforce Initiative Now-Los Angeles (WIN-LA)

is LA Metro’s new workforce development program created to focus on careers in the transportation industry. WIN-LA is a groundbreaking initiative that creates career pathways in construction, non-construction opportunities in operations/maintenance, administration, and professional services within Metro and throughout the transportation industry. The program provides support for participants in areas such as life skills development; skill set enhancement and educational attainment services. WIN-LA also increases the resources needed for training and placement of “Hard to Fill” positions in our transportation industry.

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Careers for a Cause

Is an effort to train individuals in serving the homeless population. The program prepares students for a career in social services, matching these individuals with homeless service providers for employment at the end of the program. Careers for a Cause was developed by the Office of Supervisor Mark Ridley-Thomas, in partnership with Los Angeles County’s Workforce Development, Aging and Community Services Department (WDACS), Los Angeles Southwest College, St. Joseph’s Center, and the South Los Angeles Transit Empowerment Zone (SLATE-Z) to expand the County’s homeless services industry. The eight-week program offered career exploration and assessment, job shadowing, skills training, on-the-job coaching, and job retention support. In addition, students received wrap-around support services and a stipend.

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Employment Programs For Job Seekers



Youth@Work provides work experience with a comprehensive and strategic set of employment, training and support services provided through a network of AJCCs. Los Angeles County residents ages 14 to 24, that have the right to work in the United States are qualified to apply for the program.

Priority youth populations are school dropout, CalWORKs, Probation, Foster, Homeless, TAY, Low-Income households, LGBTQ, an offender, pregnant or parenting, have a disability, or are an English language learner.

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Is a career pathway program for job-ready adults who are homeless or at risk of homelessness in Los Angeles County. The program provides individuals with paid employment skills training & wrap around services through multi-agency collaboration. Upon successful completion, participants will be placed into high-road career pathways providing full-time, unsubsidized employment with Union partners. The HireUP Career Pathway Program is open to those individuals who are work-ready and experiencing housing insecurity or homelessness.

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Innovative Employment Solutions or INVEST

Is a collaborative partnership between WDACS, LA County Probation and the LA County Office of Diversion and Reentry (ODR) that seeks to provide employment opportunities and barrier mitigation services to LA County Adult Probationers. One of the main goals is to increase access to, and opportunities for, the employment, education, training and support services for individuals with barriers to employment, which are needed to success in the labor market. Individuals experiencing barriers to employment include justice involved individuals, making the probation population one of the top priority for WDACS.

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Aero-Flex Program

Is aimed at engineering and manufacturing across California. The program seeks to connect relevant programs and models, as well as to create a new channel of skill development. It provides a blended learning plan driven by employer requirements, work experience, and credentials that are industry recognized and are additive to an individual’s resume. These future employees have access to a structured entry point into advanced manufacturing career pathways.

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Is an innovative, collaborative partnership that unites the City and County of Los Angeles’ Workforce Development System with non-profit social enterprises and for-profit employers in order to help men and women with high barriers to employment get good jobs and stay employed. LA:RISE is building a pathway from unemployment, to transitional employment, to permanent work for youth or individuals who have been previously homeless or incarcerated. Funded initially by the Department of Labor through a Workforce Innovation Fund grant, thanks to its early success, LA:RISE is now funded locally by a City of LA General Fund allocation, LA County Measure H, and workforce funding.

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Title V Senior Community Service Employment Program (Title V SCSEP)

Is designed to provide and promote useful part-time training opportunities in transition to private or other subsidized job placements. Title V SCSEP provides a variety of services.If you are an unemployed senior of age 55 or older, you may be eligible to participate in our Senior Community Service Employment Program (SCSEP). SCSEP is designed to provide subsidized part-time work based training opportunities with community service organizations for low income, unemployed older adults. This community service training is provided as a bridge to employment.

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Alternate Staffing Organizations (ASO)

Program aims to assist those affected by homelessness in the Los Angeles County region into subsidized temporary employment positions with the long-term goal of financial stability through stable employment in high-growth industries. The goal is to serve a total of 2,250 individuals and have 75% placed in temporary employment retain either temporary or permanent employment for at least 26 weeks. 50% of participants that transition from temporary employment are expected to gain permanent employment. Goodwill is expected to serve 750 individuals and First Step Staffing is expected to serve 1,500 individuals.

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The Los Angeles County Jail Based Job Center

Intends to fill the existing gap and break down the barriers between justice involved job seekers and the local workforce. The first L.A. County Jail Based Job Center is located at L.A. County Sheriff’s Pitchess Detention Facility – South. Participants of this program receive a slew of services while incarcerated and upon release are navigated to the community based AJCCs, where they continue to take advantage of all available workforce development resources and employment retention services. The ultimate goal of the program is to reduce recidivism in the County.

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Adult & Dislocated Worker Programs

This program prepares residents of Los Angeles County to succeed in the labor market by providing a combination of education, training, career counseling, and support services through the WIOA Adult Program and the WIOA Dislocated Worker Program. The WIOA Adult Program provides services to adult job seekers while the WIOA Dislocated Worker Program serves job seekers that were connected to the workforce but have recently lost a job or may lose a job in the near future.

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Programs & Policies to Support Equitable
Workforce Opportunities For All

Los Angeles Performance Partnership Pilot (LAP3)

Los Angeles Performance Partnership Pilot (LAP3) has significantly invested efforts in Los Angeles to reduce silos and coordinate and integrate major public systems. The intent is to increase positive outcomes in education, workforce development, housing and for the general well-being of disconnected youth ages 16 to 24. Every young adult, in Los Angeles, must be given the opportunity to fulfill their hopes and aspirations. Unfortunately, many young adults do not have the opportunity to graduate from high school, receive post-secondary training, afford safe and secure housing, or receive health and mental health services. The LAP3 strategic plan maps out ways to bolster collaboration between the City of Los Angeles, the Los Angeles Unified School District, the Los Angeles Community College District, Los Angeles County, and a host of private and community partners. This program gives a second chance to those seeking a breakthrough that is positive and productive.

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The Fair Chance Act (Assembly Bill No. 1008)

The Fair Chance Act (Assembly Bill No. 1008), also known as the “Ban the Box” law, went into effect on January 1, 2018. The law’s purpose is to level the playing field for highly qualified job applicants who have a past criminal conviction. Under the Fair Chance Act, it is illegal for most employers in California (with five or more employees) to ask about an applicant’s criminal record before making a job offer. Employers cannot include questions about an applicant’s criminal record in their “help wanted” ads, applications, or during a job interview. The Fair Chance Act allows each applicant to demonstrate their individual merit without the stigma of their past.

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Exide and Lead Based Abatement Program

Exide and Lead Based Abatement Program: In 2019, the County of Los Angeles received a portion of a $305 million statewide settlement to address lead paint-related hazards in residential property. This was part of Los Angeles County’s settlement with SoCalGas over the Aliso Canyon gas leak. The Department of Public Health (DPH) and the LA County Development Authority (LACDA) have partnered with Workforce Development, Aging and Community Services (WDACS) to create a program that trains residents in construction with a specialty in lead paint removal. The program targets residents of community housing facilities directly affected by the settlement.

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The OurCounty Sustainability Plan (“the Plan”)

The OurCounty Sustainability Plan (“the Plan”) is a regional sustainability 12-point plan for Los Angeles County. It outlines a bold, inclusive, and truly regional vision for present and future generations of Los Angeles. Our County has executed a strategy outlining what local governments and stakeholders can do to enhance the well-being of every community in the County while reducing damage to the natural environment and adapting to the changing climate. This sustainability plan is particularly important for communities that have been disproportionately burdened by environmental pollution.

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This initiative is a community network working together to combat the homeless crisis. Workforce Development, Aging and Community Services (WDACS) and the Los Angeles Homeless Services Authority (LAHSA) have collaborated to create Home2Work strategy that streamlines the process of connecting Rapid Re-housing (RRH) participants to services offered by WDACS through the Los Angeles County America’s Job Centers of California (AJCCs). A critical component of RRH programs is increasing participant income. As such, the Home2Work Pilot provides a formal process for LAHSA housing providers to refer participants to AJCCs. The goal is to increase the economic self-sufficiency of those served.

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HOME is the umbrella name for all homeless efforts related to workforce development in LA County and includes the Measure H funding distributed by WDACS to the other Workforce Development Boards (WDB). During this global pandemic, LAHSA is working with the City of Los Angeles, the Los Angeles County Department of Public Health along with the Department of Health Services, Department of Mental Health and other key Federal partners to promote effective hygiene, to prevent and address potential Coronavirus infections among those experiencing homelessness, and to instruct individuals on how to keep safe.

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Prison to Employment (P2E)

Prison to Employment (P2E) Initiative is intended to strengthen linkages between the state workforce and the correctional systems to redefine the process by which the formerly incarcerated and court/justice system involved individuals reenter society and the labor force. Prison to Employment is an employment program for the justice involved that provides training services, mentorship, transitional subsidized employment, and supportive services. This program serves youth and adults who have been incarcerated or involved in the justice system. Program partners for this initiative are the City of Los Angeles, Pacific Gateway Workforce Development Board (WDB), South Bay WIB, Foothill WDB, SELACO, Verdugo WDB, California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation, LA County Office of Diversion and Reentry, and LA County Probation.

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America’s Job Center of California (AJCCs) offer many free tools, resources, and services that can help you find employment or training and get help with other work-related needs.AJCCs are also one stop shop for businesses- large and small- with support services such as finding talent to hire, subsidized wages programs, internships, layoff aversion programs, tax benefits and counselling and many other free services.
There are more than 20 AJCC offices in LA County. Each has a knowledgeable staff to guide and give you important tools.

Learn more about AJCCs or find a local America’s Job Center of California (AJCC)


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